Your skin is one of the first things that people notice about you, so shouldn’t you take the best possible care of it?!

Here are some easy to follow steps on getting beautiful skin all year round!
• Start your week off by using a gentle exfoliator that will remove dead skin cells and leave you with beautiful skin.
• Follow this up by applying a face mask. Be sure to use one that is made for your skin type and follow the instructions closely. This will leave your skin smooth as a baby’s bottom.
• Every morning use a cleanser that is made for your skin type to wash away and dirt and residue from your skin.

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• Be sure to apply SPF or moisturizer with SPF in it every day. Although you may think that you don’t need protection on cloudy days, studies show that you are still exposed to a lot of rays that can cause long term damage to your skin.
• Change your moisturizer when the weather goes from cold to hot. Your skin will need a thicker moisturizer during the winter, but using a thick cream during the summer will make you glow with perspiration.
• Got pimples? Leave them alone. Popping pimples can cause damage to your skin and is a bad practice.
• Before you go to bed remove all of your makeup so that you have less of a chance of breaking out and so that your skin can breathe. Follow this up by wiping your skin with toner to get rid of anything that may be left over.

This post wouldn’t be complete if I didn’t suggest that you maintain a healthy diet filled with low fat dairy and fresh fruits and veggies. Part of a healthy diet also includes the consumption of eight glasses of water every day. Drinking water is as important if not more than any of the other tips on this post and will benefit you in many ways.

This post was written by Aleya who’s the owner of Spontaneous Chick where you can find beauty tips for women , health tips for women and other women’s issues.

Don’t forget to follow Beautycareme on Twitter for more beauty, fashion and fitness tips!

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