How are average women supposed to compete with celebrities when they’re constantly being airbrushed to flawless perfection?!

I recently read an interesting article at about Britney Spears agreeing to release pictures taken for a Candies photo shoot, before being airbrushed. The article posted pictures with visible cellulite, stretch marks, bruises and even her tattoos being digitally removed. They reshaped her body and trimmed about ten pounds off to give her a perfect physique. The difference between the pre-airbrushed pictures and after ones is pretty obvious. Her skin shade went from semi-tanned with marks and lines to the most perfect porcelain skin.  Britney agreed to do this so girls would see the truth behind the cameras. Every page on your favorite magazine is filled with perfect faces and bodies, which don’t exist that’s why every picture is corrected. Media and celebrities have always been blamed for self-esteem issues in our society, which many celebrities are also victims of. It wouldn’t feel that great having every picture taken of you corrected, pretty much telling you you’re not good enough so fake your photo.

I agree with the reason for Britney allowing her pictures to be exposed. Younger generations look up to celebrities just like her and many attribute perfection to what they see on those magazines and tv. So for those of you who didn’t know  magazines, movies, pictures, tv, and billboards are all airbrushed. If we are all aware of this situation, do you think magazines with celebrities as they are without being digitally altered would still sell?!

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