Having trouble sleeping? Relax and sip a cup of HELPS tea!

Helps teas are specifically made to aid in certain health-related issues  such as: trouble sleeping, digestive help, and low-sugar diets. I was very excited in reviewing this product, as i had never heard of HELPS teas prior to this review and enjoy finding new teas to try.

This tea line has been around since 1959 with a commitment to quality, and it definitely shows when you sip their teas. HELPS teas are natural and don’t contain any artificial colors or preservatives. Learn more about their products by checking out their site at HELPS teas.

My teas arrived in the mail, neatly packed and within a week of my order confirmation. I received six boxes of teas which included: organic R&R, organic easy digestion, breathe, for low sugar diets, make it easy, and organic green tea. I decided to try almost all the teas, so I could provide a thorough review. Check out my experience with each tea below, and share your opinion on this innovative drink in the comments section.

HELPS organic R&R

A typical day at work leaves most people drained, especially Mondays. There is something about Mondays that make it the toughest day of the week. Which is why i would recommend HELPS organic R&R to find it’s way into your life! Rest and relax goes hand in hand, but sometimes is easier said than done. Whether it’s from a hectic work schedule or living a busy life in general, this tea is the perfect remedy to forget the stress and just relax.

The ingredients in R&R are lemon balm leaf and passionflower, with a 100% organic promise. It’s always nice seeing a short list of ingredients on something you ingest, and even better when you can actually pronounce what’s in it! The lemon balm in R&R gives this tea a nice crisp taste, and definitely helped in catching some Z’s. Great option if you are having trouble falling asleep, or just want an aid in relaxing. This tea is the perfect ending to a long-stressful day, and even better when paired with a nice warm bath prior to drinking it!

Helps breathe

I was pretty excited about trying breathe after i read it’s benefits. It’s designed to strengthen your immune system and help respiratory function, as well as aid in sinus issues. I hate sinus infections and related symptoms. Nothing is worse than feeling clogged sinuses and the energy-draining feel/aches that follow.

The ingredients found in Breathe are: organic thyme, eucalyptus leaf, propietary blend, organic mint and linden. Mint teas are my favorite, and i found Breathe to be a nice minty blend! The eucalyptus and organic mint mixed in perfect harmony. Breathe’s taste and scent made it one of my favorite’s of the HELPS line.

HELPS organic easy digestion

Have uncomfortable bloating or stomach problems?  Why not try a cup of tea! Easy digestion is said to support your digestive system and help rid of such problems. It’s also said to have calming and relaxing effects. The ingredients found in easy digestion are organic chamomille, anise and mint.

Another mint-tea treat for me! The taste was subtle, yet still good. I did feel a bit sleepy after this tea, most likely from the chamomille. I didn’t notice a positive or negative effect on my digestive system, but i normally don’t have too many issues with this. I did have a cup after a very heavy/greasy meal, and i noticed it helped tame that bloated uncomfortable feeling.

HELPS organic tea leaves

Organic green tea leaves has dried green tea and spearmint leaves and is said to be great for your skin. Green tea is perhaps one of the most popular teas, as it’s said to help eliminate toxins and keep skin looking youthful.

I love the fact this tea is a mix of green tea and spearmint. Once brewed, it has a subtle hint of the spearmint taste so it’s not overpowering. The spearmint punch adds a refreshing feel to this green tea. I enjoyed this tea very much, and if you love green tea you gotta try this one!

HELPS make it easy

Make it easy can be used to alleviate occassional constipation. Ingredients found in this tea are: senna leaf and fruit, propietary blend, anise, lemon balm, mint, and licorice root.

I didn’t need help with this issue, but wanted to try the tea so i could comment on the taste and any effects i felt. The lemon and mint were the flavors I tasted most, which is a plus for me. I had a cup of this tea late at night, and noticed a relaxed feeling a few minutes after drinking it. I also started feeling sleepy, and had a pretty restful night. I’m not used to sleeping before 1am and occassionally have trouble staying asleep, so this tea will definitely come in handy with that. Unfortunately, i wasn’t having stomach issues around the time i had this tea, but will definitely reach for it if needed.

HELPS for low sugar diets

This tea has a combination of bilberry, elder, juniper, propietary blend, orange and sweet leaf. It’s sugar-free and may be a good source in maintaining blood sugar levels.

For low sugar diets is the only tea i didn’t taste. Instead, I decided to give it to my mom for my dad. He has diabetes and i figured this would be a great tea for him, since his diet and tea-drinking options are limited.

Overall, I enjoyed doing taste tests on this tea line and am glad HELPS tea reached out to me for this opportunity. It’s great knowing exactly what goes into something you drink, and even better when those ingredients are specifically chosen to aid in certain health issues. HELPS teas also has a children’s line which doesn’t have any artificial color, preservatives, or added sugar. You can find more information about their kid’s tea line and their regular HELPS teas at Helpsteas.com or purchase a box and try them out for yourself here!

Have you tried HELPS teas?! How did you like it? Did it help with any health discomfort/issue you were having?

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