Have you heard about Kawasaki disease yet?

Most people probably aren’t well aware of the severity  this disease can cause in children. I had no idea this disease even existed until a few years ago. A previous article , Kawasaki disease awareness , gives a quick overview of symptoms, complications, and resources associated with this disease, as well as a brief summary on the Kawasaki symposium 09 held in San Diego, CA.

Kawasaki disease is very serious and can lead to death if not treated in time. Raising awareness is a great solution to solving that issue. THE FACES OF KD does just that. It provides great information on this disease, offers a place for those affected by it to share their stories, shares resources, and ways to contribute towards research on this scary disease. Stay updated  and check out the website for information , events, contests and a forum on all Kawasaki -related topics.

Know someone who has been affected by this mysterious illness? Share the knowledge and recommend The Faces of KD!

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