Looking young is a dream shared by most.  Aging worsens the appearance by roughening the skin, changing the texture of hair, and causing physical deterioration. Reversing the process of aging and maintaining skin fresh and glowing requires high quality skin care products and a nutritious diet. Here are some good tips to reverse the process of aging!


  • Sun Exposure – Keep it limited. Sun is good for skin as it provides vitamin D, but too much exposure is very dangerous since it can cause premature wrinkles and cancer. Avoid directly facing the sun to prevent face exposure. Skin cancer is very common in people who spend a great amount of time in direct exposure to the sun.


  • Sunscreen-  For longer exposure to sunlight, you need to use sunscreen on your face and other exposed areas. For lighter skin, sunscreen with a high SPF is better. You can also try oil free sun block which is less thick and not as greasy, they are also available in spray or dry forms. Sunblock helps by maintaining skin cells healthy and moisturized.

  • Water Consumption- Drinking plenty of water is good for keeping the body hydrated especially in warmer weather, and when your body needs replenishing water that is lost through perspiration. It also works in treating headaches and constipation that result from dehydration. It’s advisable to drink 6-8 glasses of water every day to keep your skin shining and wrinkle-free.

  • Moisturizing- Moisturizing is not just the need of women, but of men as well. The same moisturizer can be shared, but moisturizers especially for men are available. Moisturizers can be applied to your skin at night before going to bed and in the morning. They help in removing fine lines and preventing further wrinkles. Be sure to wash your face with soap and water before moisturizing, which helps in removing impurities from the skin.


  • Exfoliation- This is a very important step. Using a scrub three times a week helps in getting rid of wrinkles. Removing dead skin will give you a new, young, and healthy look. Exfoliation is essential for bringing new cells at the upper layer while scrubbing away the old ones.

  • Nutrition- Your diet matters a  lot. For healthier skin avoid food that is rich in sugar, refined wheat, sodium and fat. Do not skip breakfast and include vegetables in your routine diet. Vegetables should be a frequent part of your daily meals, even as juices or fresh veggie smoothies.

Your skin will look younger and healthier by bringing changes to your diet and lifestyle. Following the natural skin care advice mentioned above, will reverse the skin age by ten years.
It is your turn to think and start working on your personal skin care regime. Your skins’ appearance is a reflection of your inner health, so take great care of both!.

Author Bio:
I am an expert content writer having professional background of writing on critical health issues. Currently, I have rendered my services to NSI. NSI deals in hormone replacement therapy to bring hormonal balance among hormone deficient patients. HGH (Human Growth Hormone) and low testosterone treatments are the focus of our all procedures. NSI aims at making, both men and women “Young for longer years” with healthy mind and body.
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