Spices and  herbs fill the room when Indian cuisine is being prepared.

Religious beliefs and culture have influenced changes in the preparation of various dishes. Indian food has become very popular throughout the world with over 10,000 restaurants in England and Wales as of 2003.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_cuisine

Besides it’s yummy taste it’s said to have ingredients that are very healthy for you.

Top 3 benefits of enjoying this cuisine are:

1. Turmeric is said to slow Alzheimer’s disease.

Turmeric is yellow and has a somewhat bitter taste. “Researchers have suggested that turmeric could play a role in slowing down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease…” http://eating.health.com/2008/02/29/indias-curative-spices/ It also aids in digestive disorders and works as an anti-inflammatory.

2. Coriander might help lower cholesterol and is a great source of fiber.

Coriander, also known as cilantro and dhania, has acids which are said to be helpful in reducing cholesterol levels. Essential oils have anti-arthritic properties which also help reduce swelling,   and minerals and vitamins make it high in fiber and a good source of iron. This link provides a better understanding on coriander and it’s many benefits. http://www.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/herbs-and-spices/health-benefits-of-coriander.html

3. Cumin used in many Indian dishes may help prevent cancer.

Cumin is said to have “detoxifying and chemo-preventive properties” and also aids in digestive disorders. The seeds are rich in iron and help ease common cold symptoms as well.  http://www.indianetzone.com/41/benefits_cumin.htm

Check out the video below for an easy to follow guide on making Samosas, a traditional appetizer in Indian cuisine. A samosa is a pastry stuffed with spices, peas, potatoes, lentils, and lamb or chicken.

Indian food is full of flavor, one of my favorite dishes is tandoori chicken . What are some of your favorite dishes???

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