Prior to an interview, it’s common to feel nervous about the outcome and the interview itself. An interview is pretty much the first encounter your potential employer has with you, be sure to portray an appropriate image by dressing for success.

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Though your getting the job depends on your answers and overall experience, you will also be judged on your hygiene and choice in apparel. You don’t necessarily have to wear a very professional suit to a job at the mall or as a vet’s assistant, but it is a good idea to wear a crisp clean shirt and outfit to match the atmosphere.

It might seem silly to some, but confidence and aspects of your personality come and reflect from your choice in fashion. Below are three different, yet interview appropriate outfits, to look for inspiration in. You already have a lot going through your mind prior to that big day, so take some of the heat off  with these looks that will make you put together but not over the top.

Wear this to a business setting interview…


Try this for a casual office environment…


Wear this to a very laid-back job setting…


Please avoid any of the following…

Whichever outfit you decide to go for, be sure you are comfortable in it so you can give the best representation of yourself. Remember, interviews are usually short. Relax, and be confident in your abilities to get the job you’re looking for.

What do you wear to interviews? Got any tips you’d like to add?!

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