Halloween is quickly creeping up! Time for the perfect excuse to party in a coustume!

Many opt for cute and simple costumes, but if you want to try something scary this year here are ten great options. What’s your favorite thing about Halloween?! Mine is definitely putting up creepy decorations and pumpkins galore; another plus, one month closer to pumpkin pie! And of course, who doesn’t like going out and finding the perfect costume…

1. “Bloody Mary” this old-time legend, is a classic that still gives some people the creeps. It’s a very simple costume to achieve, but you can make it as gory as you’d like. Simply wear a white long and tattered dress, covered in blood. With the magic of makeup, add some scars and bruises to your face, and use fake blood to decorate your hair. If you really want to go all out, get some white or red contacts to get that evil stare effect. Check out this tutorial below for a great visual! Don’t forget to check out the bloody pumps to match your look below!

2. Wicked witch of the west- witches most often play the evil role, but there’s no witch more wicked than Wizard of Oz’s wicked witch with her evil flying monkeys and flying broom. Check out the costume below, and don’t forget to add tons of green face paint for the exact look.

3. Zombies. A classic horror-movie theme, the living dead. You definitely can’t go wrong with a zombie costume. The great thing about this one is it’s versatility, you can pretty much choose what to wear. Whether you want to wear jeans and a shirt or tattered sheets, even a ball gown! As long as your outfit is torn, stained with blood and dirt you’re good to go. Tease your hair and add some white clip-on extensions. Once again, makeup is your best accessory. Bruises, cuts, blood, and under-eye bags will make for a great looking zombie. Carry around a severed body part (Fake of course!) and you’re done. Or if you prefer buying a costume, check out the one below.

4. Dia de los muertos “Sugar Skull”- not necessiraly scary if you really consider the meaning behind sugar skulls, but I just love the way a well painted one looks. You need lots of white and black makeup to achieve this look, as well as some color. A great thing about this costume, is you can take it in many directions. Whether you want to add spiderwebs, flowers or keep it classic, it’s entirely up to you. Wear all black and watch these tutorials for great Sugar skull looks!

5. She-devil. This costume allows you to wear red horns and carry around a triton, that’s reason enough to be a devil right?! Wear a red robe, use dark makeup, tease and fuzz with your hair, and you must use red contacts to get the overall look. Or check out the She-devil mask below for a quick and cute costume on a budget!

6. Medusa. This mythological Greek monster was feared by many due to her power of turning you into a stone from a simple stare. Hair composed of snakes and doomed to a lonely life sounds like a pretty scary fate.

Another alternative to the Medusa look is creating your own. Check out this very crafty tutorial which shows you how to create your own serpent-like hair!

7. Elmira (Tiny Toons)- Sure she’s a cartoon character, but to all animals this girl is a nightmare. Suffocating all her pets with overbearing squeezes and tail pulling is her worst trait. As in the picture below, your costume will consist of a white skirt and teal top. Don’t forget the short red-haired wig and skull bow. Carry around a few stuffed animals with you, and cover each of their eyes with black masking tape in an X shape.


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8. Vampire. Another classic that never grows old. This costume is sexy and sultry, depending on how you want to wear it. Black will definitely be your color when choosing this costume, accompanied by fangs, blood, and those creepy-looking white contacts. Or icy blue contacts for a resident evil style  night walker.

9.Classic costumes with a twist- Jason, Freddy and Chucky.All classic horror movies, now with costumes available for women! Choose from Miss Krueger, Miss Voorhees, or Miss Charles Lee Ray costumes below. Don’t forget your bladed glove, machete or axe!


10.Bride of Frankenstein- Can’t go wrong with a classic horror costume. There are costumes you can purchase, or you can go the do-it-yourself route and get inspired from the image below. You’ll need lots of white face paint, and hairspray!

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Hope these costume ideas were helpful in achieving your scary look! If you are wearing a costume this year, what will it be?!


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