The word Barbie is known worldwide by young girls and women alike, but a recent addition has got many women worried…

Barbie is now available with tattoos, and many parents are very unhappy about this. The Tokidoki Barbie doll includes leopard print leggings, pink hair, her little cactus-buddy Bastardino, glitter heels and chest and arm tattoos. Though it specifically says for adult collectors, most agree Barbie is and has always been targeted to young girls. Check out the tattooed chick who’s causing controversies below…

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People are responding with this new addition to the Barbie family as a bad image to portray to young girls, and very irresponsible on Mattel’s part. So she is a bit edgy for a Barbie, but honestly speaking when has Barbie ever been a great role model for kids??? She’s a little plastic doll with an unrealistic body image, which that in itself might give girls the wrong idea. But add some tattoos and eyebrows are raised. In my opinion the tattoos shouldn’t be the issue, perhaps the heels and skin-tight leggings, and most definitely the extra slimmer look. Check out a video below on what Mattel has to say on tatted Barbie and various reactions. A great quote from the video = “If you don’t like it, don’t buy it!”

video found @

Rather than being worried about a toy portraying a bad image to kids, parents should be more worried about being there for their kids so they can have an influence on their  lives. Because Barbie most definitely should not be gifted to a kid as some sort of role model…

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As the image above shows, a woman considered to be a “plus size” model pretty much needs to have her whole body and face redone to attain a Barbie-like physique. Her freakishly skinny neck and face are definitely not proportioned to the rest of her body, and people are freaking out over a couple pieces of art on her arms…

So what do you think… Is tattooed Barbie such a horrible influence on kids, or should people just deal with the fact some little girls actually have mommies with pink hair and tats?!

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