Looking for a delicious smoothie,  that’s not only low in calories but a pretty healthy option? Then try this super easy recipe that requires only three ingredients 🙂

 Chocolate cherry smoothie



  • 10 washed and pitted cherries
  • 5-8 washed strawberries
  • 1/2 cup silk chocolate almond milk

How to:

Combine all ingredients in nutribullet blender and blend until a smooth consistency reached. (About 5-10 seconds) You can also add some ice to make it more of a slushy drink.

Drink and enjoy!

I have been trying out different veggie and fruit recipes on my nutribullet, and love the simplicity of making the drinks and cleaning up. Much faster than using a juicer, and I prefer the fact you get the pulp as opposed to only juice.

This recipe is my go to snack when I get a craving,  it’s both delicious and satisfying. You can also make a batch and freeze it for a cool and healthier option dessert.  Got any nutribullet recipes you’d like to share? Comment below!

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