This week i decided to link up with Kori @ Blonde Episodes for flirting with temptations Thursdays!

Since I’ve been trying to keep a healthy lifestyle lately, I’ve been eating a lot of veggies. Especially in the form of salads. Most of my mornings are shorter than i’d like prior to heading for work, so a quick and yummy lunch for me equals a big salad with many toppings.

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Lately I’ve been on a blue cheese and feta hype, so I’ve been adorning my leafy lunch with either crumbled cheese and drizzling with a raspberry vinaigrette or delectable champagne dressing. Below I share my super quick, super tasty salad recipe that’s perfect for any meal.


Washed and cut lettuce and spinach leaves

blue/ feta cheese

cranberries, almonds/walnuts and cashews

avocado sliced

turkey/ ham cut into bite-size pieces

cherry tomatoes

dressing of your choice


Once all ingredients are cut and washed, mix and toss them together. Drizzle with dressing and enjoy 🙂

*You can also leave the avocado out and add sliced pears or apples for a splash of fruit.

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What’s your favorite salad recipe?! Share your Thursday temptations @ Blonde Episodes blog hop!!

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