Top five ab workout tutorials

Six packs don’t come easy, but are the top body part most men and women wish to change. (Via: Fitness poll) Gyms and parks start filling up just before summer, this is a common time for people to get into a workout routine to get a beach-body for summertime. Ab concentration routines can be added to your

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3 workout ideas for people who hate exercise

If you are anything like me, you take a somewhat disdainful view of your friends and acquaintances who have exorbitantly expensive gym memberships. Those who have no life beyond working out, and who freak out if they miss their morning run… While I’ve come to respect people who take working out seriously, it’s never something I would

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Why burpees are a good workout

What is a burpee? A burpee is a move used in strength training and aerobic exercise. You should incorporate burpees into your workout routine because they are a full body exercise which help build strength, flexibility, and endurance. Why are burpees good for you? Burpees are a great workout because as you do them you’re strengthening your

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