3 workout ideas for people who hate exercise

If you are anything like me, you take a somewhat disdainful view of your friends and acquaintances who have exorbitantly expensive gym memberships. Those who have no life beyond working out, and who freak out if they miss their morning run… While I’ve come to respect people who take working out seriously, it’s never something I would

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Does counting calories work?

Most men and women have tried limiting their calorie intake at one point of their lives. It’s tough getting started, but it definitely keeps you eating in moderation. Is this “dieting” technique efficient not just for weight loss, but also in maintaining your weight after your goal is reached? Image credit “You don’t need to

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Weight training for women

Weight training won’t make you bulk like the hulk if done correctly! Many women steer clear of weights and anything related, from fear of looking like a bodybuilder. In reality, weight training is necessary for a tight and defined body. Cardiovascular exercises get your heart pumping and help in losing calories. Cardiovascular exercises, or cardio

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